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12   There are only 12 developing countries and territories with secondary school participation levels of 90 per cent or more.

World Fit for Children Goal: Ensure that the learning needs of all young people are met through access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes
There is a growing need to focus on the transition from primary to lowesr secondary school, which often proves particularly difficult in developing countries. Only 12 developing countries and territories have secondary school participation levels of 90 per cent or more.

Some children are not transitioning to secondary school at typical ages while other children drop out entirely. For example, of lower-secondary-age adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa, 39 per cent are still in primary school, repeating earlier grades or catching up after a late start. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 64 per cent of primary school students move up to secondary school.
Source: UNICEF global databases, 2010, and UNESCO Institute for Statistics Data Centre, 2010. Data range is 2003-2008.