
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals

DevInfo News - News on DevInfo adaptations - DevInfo
New version of DevInfo India Released on National Statistics Day
(August 2008)
A new version of DevInfo India, version 2.0, was released on the second national statistics day on 29th June, 2008. Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs unveiled the new version in the presence
DevInfo Orientation for Government of Bihar, India  (July 2008)
A DevInfo orientation seminar was organized for the honorable Members of the Legislative Council and Members of the Bihar State Assembly. The orientation was a part of an e-governance programme
Democratic Republic of The Congo Has Launched RDCongoInfo
(June 2008)
RDCongoInfo v1.0 was launched on Saturday, June 14, 2008 in Kinshasa, in the compound of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tracking Jamaica's Progress  (June 2008)
JamStats is a database that captures information on some of Jamaica’s most critical social and economic indicators. A DevInfo 5.0 adaptation, it was developed by the Statistical Institute of Jamaica in partnership with the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), with support from UNICEF Jamaica
Launch of EgyInfo 1.0  (May 2008)
Egypt launched EgyInfo 1.0 on 26 May 2008 in Cairo. The launch facilitated the country’s first collective National database system that complies with the international statistical standards. The launch of this database will efficaciously enable the monitoring of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and other national level development initiatives
Announcing DevInfo 6.0  (May 2008)
Announcing the development of DevInfo 6.0, a new version of DevInfo database technology.  The new version will have significant advancements in usability with a reduced learning curve for first-time users. DevInfo 6.0 will include powerful new data presentation methods, enhanced web collaboration and extended mapping features. The release of the system is planned for early 2009
Training of Trainers Held in Maldives  (May 2008)
The DevInfo adaptation, “MaldivInfo 1.0”, has been developed by the Ministry of Planning and National Development (MPND), Maldives, in collaboration with UNICEF and other UN agencies. The database system is based on the commitment of the ministry to support the statistical data requirements of policy-makers and to facilitate the development
IRAQInfo Makes Data on Iraq Widely Available  (April 2008)
Since 2005 Iraq has been working in close cooperation with international agencies and donors from across the world to uplift the standards of living in the country.  IRAQInfo, an adaptation of DevInfo 5.0 database technology was launched in March 2008 to help track progress being made.
Zimbabwe Releases Updated Version of ZIMDAT  (October 2007)
Zimbabwe released the updated version of ZIMDAT 2007 on 22 September 2007 in a workshop attended by around 120 participants. The database was first officially launched on 21 September 2005  followed by a second updated release a year later on 22 September 2006
Launch of the Updated Version of ESDEM  (September 2007)
Located on the south-east coast of Africa, Mozambique is a country of great potential. It is now 15 years since the civil war came to an end and the country's reputation has changed beyond recognition. It has significantly addressed some of the development indicators like infant mortality and immunization
Malaysia Launches MalaysiaInfo v1.0  (September 2007)
Malaysia is a multi ethnic country with all communities enjoying equal access to its resources. It has experienced significant social and economic development 1980 onwards and the standards of living are one of the finest in Asia. To sustain a steady momentum in achieving the Millennium Development Goals
DevInfo Applied in the ‘One UN’ Context in Rwanda
(August 2007)
The ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’ has seen significant improvements since the devastating 1994 genocide. Nonetheless, Rwanda faces challenges towards meeting its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the results remain mixed
MASEDA v3.0 Launched in Malawi  (August 2007)
Where can you find the latest data on human development for Malawi? The most comprehensive Malawi socio-economic database, MASEDA v3.0 was launched in July 2007 by the National Statistical Office (NSO) and UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Lilongwe. The official launch was presided over by the Deputy Minister for Economic Planning and development Hon. Roy Chizimba M.P. and NSO Deputy Commissioner Mrs. Mercy Kanyuka
St. Lucia Launches HelenInfo v1.0 to Track Progress on MDGs
(August 2007)
St. Lucia is one of the first Caribbean countries, to launch a national version of DevInfo. HelenInfo v1.0 was released on 13 April 2007 to monitor progress in implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) within the country. HelenInfo reflects the colloquial term that describes St. Lucia as the “Helen of the West”, in reference to the uniquely majestic beauty of the island nation, still relatively unknown
Tracking Post Tsunami Reconstruction Effort in Sri Lanka
(August 2007)
The wave of destruction that swept through Sri Lanka’s south coast is still visible thirty months later. On the seafront you can find buildings with smashed walls and exposed brickwork, or the crushed prow of a boat stuck into the earth at a bizarre angle. While the survivors have largely moved out of transitional shelters, still a vast majority have no idea where their permanent house will be or how they will be able to go back to their livelihoods that once supported them
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