
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals

DevInfo News - News on DevInfo adaptations - DevInfo
DevInfo Gameworks Selected as Digital Media and Learning Competition Grant Winner (April 2009)
DevInfo Gameworks was recently selected as one of 19 grant winners out of a field of 700 applications in the 2009 Digital Media and Learning Competition, administered by HASTAC and supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.


DevInfoLAC CSE 1.0 Launched in Latin America and the Caribbean
(April 2009)
DevInfoLAC CSE 1.0 (DevInfoLAC Commercial Sexual Exploitation) is a database system based on DevInfo technology for Latin America and the Caribbean that allows countries to monitor the international commitments regarding the prevention and elimination of commercial sexual exploitation of children


DevInfo Featured on Recent Live Webcast Knowledge Sharing Event
(April 2009)
“Strengthening Country-Led M&E Systems: Good practices in using DevInfo” was the subject of a recent live webcast knowledge sharing event organized on 15 April 2009 by UNICEF CEE/CIS and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)


Tunisia Launches ChildInfo Tunisia Online(March 2009)
ChildInfo Tunisia, a database system containing key data on the situation of children in Tunisia, was launched online in March 2009 by the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Family, Children and the Elderly and the Center for Information, Training, Documentation and Study for the Protection of Child Rights


CensusInfo Launched to Help Countries Disseminate Census Data
(March 2009)

CensusInfo, a software package developed to help countries

disseminate census data, was officially launched at the 40th session of the UN Statistical Commission in February 2009. CensusInfo was developed by a joint UN programme

OECS Prepares to Launch OECSInfo to Track Eastern Caribbean Progress(February 2009)
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat is presently embarking on an OECS adaptation of DevInfo (OECSInfo), in collaboration with the UNICEF Office for the Eastern Caribbean States and the CARICOM Secretariat
ESCWA Launches the Arab Youth Database, YouthInfo
(February 2009)
As part of its on-going activities to improve statistics in the western Asia region, the Statistics Division of ESCWA (Economic and Social Commission for West Asia) has made YouthInfo publicly available on its website
Timor-Leste Launches Second DevInfo Version (January 2009)
The Southeast Asian island nation of Timor-Leste has made great strides in implementing DevInfo on a national scale. The first version of the database system, Timor-Leste DevInfo v1.0, was launched in December 2006 with the objective of
DevInfo Being Used to Strengthen National Education Systems Across Africa (January 2009)
As a major thrust of the African Union’s (AU) efforts to improve educational standards across the continent, the AU adopted a Plan of Action for the Second Decade of Education for Africa (2006-2015). One of the primary goals in this Plan
Aceh Info 2.0 Assists Greatly in Indonesia’s Post-Tsunami Recovery (December 2008)
The December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia was one of the deadliest natural disasters in history, killing over 225,000 people in 11 countries. The worst-affected part of Indonesia was Aceh, and
Malikunnafoni Gains National Prominence for Tracking Development Progress in Mali(December 2008)
The development and launch of Malikunnafoni, a country adaptation of DevInfo, marked a key milestone in tracking development progress in the West African nation of Mali. Originally initiated by the UN system in Mali with the purpose of helping
Iraq Launches IraqInfo, the First User-Friendly National Database of Key Social Indicators(November 2008)
IraqInfo, a new user-friendly national database that provides wide-ranging recent information on social development in Iraq, was formally launched on 24 November 2008 by the Government of Iraq at an official ceremony in Baghdad
Jamaica Launches Web-Based Version of JamStats
(November 2008)
On 4 November 2008, the web-based version of the already popular JamStats database was launched, giving Internet users instant access to a multitude of data on Jamaica’s most critical social and economic indicators. Simultaneously, the fourth version of the JamStats database containing the most recent data was also
TojikInfo Provides Online Access to Latest Social Development Indicators (October 2008)
TojikInfo, an online database system designed to provide easy access to social development data was released on 8 September 2008 at Dushanbe. Users can now look up the website to access the latest information on Tajikistan and its administrative regions in their local languages
Crime Analysts in Jamaica Constabulary use JamStats to Report Crime Data (August 2008)
The detectives of the Jamaica Constabulary (JC) now have a powerful tool to aid their fight against crime. JamStats — a customized version of DevInfo 5.0 — will now enable Crime Analysts from the JC to efficiently organize
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