
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals

DevInfo News - News on DevInfo adaptations - DevInfo

New Online Information System on Children and Adolescents Launched in Mexico  (July 2010)

On 29 June 2010 UNICEF Mexico and its Advisory Board unveiled infoniñ, an online tool that contains information on the state of Mexico’s children and adolescents, and the progress and challenges in terms of fulfillment of their rights.


Brazil Shares Key Principles Behind Growth in DevInfo Use at National, Sub-national Levels  (July 2010)

Brazil has emerged as one of the leading examples of healthy DevInfo implementation and use at the national and sub-national levels.

First DevInfo Achievement Award Goes to Nilufar Kamalova  
(July 2010)

The DevInfo initiative is proud to grant the first DevInfo Achievement Award to Nilufar Kamalova, Task Manager, MDG Statistics Project, UNDP Uzbekistan, in recognition of her active contributions to the global DevInfo community.

Uzbekistan Launches UzbekInfo to Monitor Country’s MDG Progress  (June 2010)

The Government of Uzbekistan, in partnership with the UN Country Team, jointly launched UzbekInfo in June 2010 as a tool to monitor the country’s progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.

Egypt Launches National DevInfo Competition to Spur Better Monitoring of Human Development  (June 2010)

A DevInfo competition in Egypt was announced in early 2010, among previously trained staff from information centres in ministries, national authoritiesand governorates.

New Software Updates Available for DevInfo 6.0 User, Data Admin Applications  (June 2010)

The latest software updates (version for the DevInfo 6.0 User and Data Admin applications are now available for download. These updates contain enhancements and fixes in the User application related to the display of maps, Advanced Reports and di Profiles.

Lao Government Endorses LaoInfo as National Development Monitoring Tool  (May 2010)

Standing Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad of the Lao PDR presided over a landmark discussion in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 5 April 2010 to endorse the use of the LaoInfo software to compile and disseminate data to monitor progress in human development across the country.

Open Source Version of DevInfo Launched, Ushering in New Era of Global Cooperation in Human Development Software  (May 2010)

The DevInfo initiative has just launched OpenDevInfo, an open source version of the powerful DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations Development Group to assist countries in monitoring achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

New Human Development Data Sets from Serbia Available Online
(May 2010)

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has released its new national DevInfo database, updated as of April 2010.

DevInfo Field Reference Group Discusses Challenges, Way Forward
(May 2010)

The DevInfo Field Reference Group met from 26-30 April 2010 in Delhi and Jaipur, India, bringing together experienced DevInfo focal points from across the globe to take stock of the current status of DevInfo implementation.

University of Aberdeen Launches a New Tool to Monitor Activities in International Development  (May 2010)

The Centre for Sustainable International Development at the University of Aberdeen (UK) is hosting a three-day DevInfo database training workshop from 10-12 May 2010.

DevInfo Showcased as Global Monitoring Tool Among American Demographers, Sociologists and Economists  (April 2010)

The DevInfo initiative recently had the opportunity to participate in two key human development meetings in the United States.

DevInfo Initiative Launches New di Awards Programme  (April 2010)

The DevInfo initiative has recently launched di Awards, a new programme intended to provide recognition of and motivation for best practices, good ideas and dedicated participation of DevInfo users and partners.

Aceh Moving Forward with AcehInfo 4.0 to Monitor Recovery Data  (April 2010)

Indonesia’s special territory of Aceh, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra, was one of the worst affected regions during the December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

Papua New Guinea Moving Ahead with Using PNGInfo to Monitor Human Development Progress  (April 2010)

The National Planning and Monitoring Department of Papua New Guinea has collaborated with five departments to launch PNGInfo, the National Government’s first information system to monitor the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals and other development indicators.


DevInfo Featured at Australian Statistical Meeting  (April 2010)

The DevInfo database system was featured at a Statistical Leadership Seminar organized by Australia’s National Statistical Service (NSS) in Canberra on 1 February 2010.


New Web 2.0 Features Launched on DevInfo Website  (March 2010)

The DevInfo website at has recently been upgraded to reflect two new Web 2.0 enhancements of great benefit to users worldwide: the addition of an Auto-Suggest feature on di Gallery and the integration of a social media bookmarking widget.

GenderInfo 2010 Launched to Highlight Gender Issues, Disparities  (March 2010)

In recognition of International Women’s Day (8 March), the Global DevInfo initiative would like to highlight the recent launch of GenderInfo 2010, a global database of gender statistics and indicators.

Yemen Forging Ahead with Using DevInfo to Monitor Human Development  (February 2010)

The Republic of Yemen’s Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, has recently launched DevInfo Yemen 2.0 to help monitor and track the nation’s human development progress.

Asia-Pacific Countries Position DevInfo as a Key Tool in Decision-Making  (February 2010)

The latest release of the DevInfo database software – version 6.0 – was launched in the Asia-Pacific region during a four-day evidence-based decision-making conference held in Siem Reap, Cambodia from 2-5 February 2010.
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