
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals

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Jordan Actively Embraces DevInfo Technology, Launching Multiple Databases to Track Development (January 2011)

In recent months, the Government of Jordan, with support from partners such as UNICEF and UNDP, has intensified efforts to make data a public good, releasing multiple databases using DevInfo technology to monitor and track development progress in different sectors of the country.


Niger Introduces Journalists to Online NigerInfo Socio-Economic Database (January 2011)

The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Niger, in partnership with the UN system, launched NigerInfo online in October 2010 in connection with World Statistics Day. Available at, NigerInfo is a country adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.


Malawi Makes Development Data Available Online and on the Phone with Launch of Latest Socio-Economic Database (January 2011)

The National Statistical Office (NSO) of Malawi launched an updated online version of the Malawi Socio-Economic Database (MASEDA) in October 2010. Accessible at, MASEDA is a national adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.


Open Source Version of DevInfo Offers Opportunity for Global Cooperation in Human Development Software (January 2011)

Launched by the DevInfo initiative in 2010, OpenDevInfo continues to offer an unprecedented opportunity for global cooperation in contributing to one of the world’s leading human development software applications.


Ethiopia Launches New Database Containing First-Time Ever Disaggregated Data on Orphans and Disability (December 2010)

The latest version of EthioInfo was released by the Ethiopian Central Statistical Agency (CSA) on the occasion of World Statistics Day, 25 November 2010. Available online at, EthioInfo is a customized adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations for tracking progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and other national indicators.


AfricaInfo Launched to Disseminate Harmonized Statistics on Human Development Across Africa (December 2010)

AfricaInfo, a first-of-its-kind centralized database of statistical data on Africa, was launched by the African Union on 16 December 2010 during the fifth meeting of the Committee of Director-Generals of National Statistics Offices (NSOs) in Yaunde, Cameroon.


Malawi Moves Forward to Disseminate Latest Census Data Using CensusInfo (December 2010)

United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malawi, organized a national CensusInfo technical workshop in Zomba, Malawi from 27 November to 4 December 2010.


New Online AIDS Database Launched to Track Global Progress in Battling the AIDS Epidemic (November 2010)

UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, issued a new report in Geneva on 23 November 2010 announcing that the AIDS epidemic is beginning to change course as the number of people newly infected with HIV is declining and as AIDS-related deaths are decreasing.


UNFPA Launches New Online Database, Country Profiles to Track Progress in Maternal and Reproductive Health (November 2010)

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has recently launched MDG 5b+ Info, an online database system designed to track global progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other related indicators of maternal health at the country level.


New Human Development Data Sets from Serbia Available Online (November 2010)

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has released its new national DevInfo database, updated as of October 2010.


New Online Courses Available on Using DevInfo to Display Disparities (November 2010)

The DevInfo initiative is pleased to announce the release of two new e-learning courses designed to demonstrate the application of DevInfo software in identifying and displaying disparities.


Jordan Department of Statistics Launches JordanInfo Online
(October 2010)

The Jordan Department of Statistics has timed its online launch of JordanInfo 1.0 to coincide with World Statistics Day on 20 October 2010, in keeping with the event’s emphasis on improving worldwide data dissemination.


Gender Info 2010 Updated with Latest Datasets Highlighting Gender Issues, Disparities (October 2010)

Gender Info 2010, a global database of gender statistics and indicators, has recently been updated at with the latest gender-related statistics available in the international statistical system.


DubaiInfo to be Featured at 2010 Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (October 2010)

The Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) will be presenting DubaiInfo at the upcoming 2010 Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (GITEX), scheduled for 17-21 October 2010 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Announcement: DevInfo Webinar Series 2010 (October 2010)

The DevInfo initiative is pleased to announce the launch of a new webinar series beginning this month.


Maram Barqawi (Jordan) receives DevInfo Achievement Award (September 2010)

The DevInfo initiative is pleased to announce that a DevInfo Achievement Award has been granted to Maram Barqawi, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Jordan Education Initiative, Amman, Jordan, in recognition of her active contributions to the global DevInfo community.


First Standardized Electronic Human Development Database Launched for St. Vincent and the Grenadines  (September 2010)

The Statistical Office of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, in partnership with government ministries and the UN Country Team, successfully launched the VinInfo database in December 2009.


Honduras Conducts DevInfo Training for Government Officials Working with Children  (September 2010)

The National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, or INE) in Honduras recently conducted a five-day DevInfo training workshop to equip government officials working with children in the use of DevInfo database technology.


Jamaica Trains High School Students, Teachers in DevInfo Use for Research  (September 2010)

The JamStats Secretariat, housed within the Planning Institute of Jamaica, has launched the School Implementation Programme to expose students and teachers to the JamStats database and its utility in providing support to curricula in a number of subjects.


UNICEF Launches Progress for Children Interactive Site, Powered by DevInfo  (September 2010)

On 7 September 2010, UNICEF launched its flagship publication, Progress for Children: Achieving the MDGs with Equity. This newly released report, the ninth edition in UNICEF’s Progress for Children series, uses the most recent data available to highlight disparities in progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


2010 MDG Data Now Available Online  (August 2010)

The United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) has released the latest data on MDGs for all member states, available online at:


New Online Database Launched in Jordan to Share National Perspectives on Trends in Technology  (August 2010)

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Jordan, in partnership with the Jordan Department of Statistics, has launched a new online database – ICT Info - to disseminate national data on the country’s information and communications technology indicators.


New Online Database Launched to Track Human Development in Pacific Islands  (August 2010)

Regional efforts to monitor and evaluate human development progress in the Pacific Island countries have been greatly boosted by the July 2010 launch of PacificInfo, now available online at


Amman Picked by UNICEF to Test DevInfo Software  (August 2010)

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has chosen Amman as one of three cities in the world to test the DevInfo software, a powerful database system for monitoring human development.


Orissa State, India Prepares to Use DevInfo for Disaster Preparedness  (July 2010)

Over the past two decades, India has borne the brunt of several major natural disasters – earthquakes, floods, cyclones and tsunamis – affecting the lives of tens of millions of people, mostly from the poorest strata of society.

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