
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals

DevInfo News - News on DevInfo adaptations - DevInfo

Southeast Asia Team Trained in Use, Development of Regional Education Database (12 October 2011)

A delegation of four representing the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) along with two staff from UNICEF’s East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) participated in an advanced EFAInfo training at the DevInfo Support Group Lab in New Delhi, India from 3 - 6 October 2011.

New DevInfo in Action eBook Released Online (23 September 2011)

The DevInfo Initiative is pleased to announce the online release of the new DevInfo in Action eBook featuring twenty-four stories excerpted from the DevInfo in Action series chronicling the various ways in which DevInfo is making a difference around the globe.

Second Argentina Province to Use DevInfo for Monitoring Living Conditions of Children (22 September 2011)

The Legislature and the Statistics Office of the Province of La Rioja, situated in the north-western region of Argentina, are working towards developing a new information system to track the situation of children in the province.

DevInfo to Participate in U.S. State Department Data Visualization Conference (20 September 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative has been invited to participate in an upcoming Data Visualization event from 23 - 24 September 2011 in Washington, D.C., which will be held as part of the Tech@State conference series organized by the U.S. Department of State in partnership with Development Gateway and the World Bank Institute.

Announcing New DevInfo Weekly Webinar Series (15 September 2011)

Starting on 28 September 2011, DevInfo will be launching a new weekly webinar series to engage in new ways with our community of users.

DevInfo Field Reference Group Meeting to Review DevInfo 7.0, Way Forward (15 September 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative will be conducting the 2011 Field Reference Group Meeting in Jaipur, India from 26 to 30 September 2011.

UNITAR to Host Geneva Training on Using DevInfo for Monitoring Local Development Plans (14 September 2011)

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) will be hosting a training workshop on the use of DevInfo database technology to monitor local development plans.

UN System Staff College to Host Global Training on DevInfo Use for UNDAF Monitoring (13 September 2011)

A global training on the use of the DevInfo software to monitor the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) will be conducted in Turin, Italy from 13 to 16 September 2011.

Brazil NGO Releases English, Spanish Versions of Popular DevInfo Training Video (9 September 2011)

Brazilian NGO ORBIS has recently released an English version of its Portal ODM video, which guides viewers on how to use DevInfo technology to search for data and generate tables, graphs and maps through Portal ODM.

di Sidebar Provides Quick Access to Latest DevInfo News, Objects, Information (8 September 2011)

The di Sidebar feature, available to all DevInfo 6.0 desktop users, launches a customizable desktop sidebar providing quick access to the latest DevInfo news, facts, information and Gallery objects.

Argentina Launches Updated National Database (30 August 2011)

UNICEF Argentina recently announced the release of its updated national child database, InfoArgentina 2011. The database is a country adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.

DevInfo 7.0 Scheduled for Global Release in Early 2012
(29 August 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative is developing a new release of DevInfo database technology – DevInfo 7.0 - scheduled for global release in early 2012. This new version will contain significant enhancements in usability over the current DevInfo (6.0) database system.

Mauritania Organizes DevInfo Activities to Support National Implementation (29 August 2011)

The Government of Mauritania recently organized two DevInfo activities in support of national efforts to use MauritInfo to better monitor country achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Cadre Stratégique de Lutte contre la Pauvreté (CSLP), the national equivalent of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.


Djibouti Moves Forward with DevInfo Training and National Implementation (25 August 2011)

A ten-day DevInfo training workshop was conducted in Djibouti from 17 - 28 July 2011. Organized by Direction de la Statistiques et des Etudes Démographiques (DISED) with support from UNICEF Djibouti.


DevInfo to Participate in ISI World Statistics Congress in Dublin
(19 August 2011)

The Global DevInfo Initiative will be participating in the 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), scheduled from 21-26 August 2011 in Dublin, Ireland.


Jordan Hosts Workshop on SDMX/DevInfo and MDG Data Reporting (1 August 2011)

The Department of Statistics (DOS) of Jordan hosted a four-day workshop on SDMX/DevInfo and MDG Data Reporting from 10 to 14 July 2011 at the Training Center of DOS in Amman, Jordan.


Mexico Moves Ahead with Using CensusInfo to Disseminate Census Data (28 July 2011)

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of Mexico, with the support of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), hosted a five-day CensusInfo training workshop from 18 to 22 July 2011 in Aguascalientes City, Mexico.


Liberia Team Receives Advanced DevInfo Training (27 July 2011)

The Liberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services (LISGIS), with the support of UNICEF Liberia, sent three staff to the DevInfo Support Group Lab in New Delhi, India from 11-14 July 2011 for an advanced DevInfo database administration training workshop.


Global DevInfo Initiative Launches New Online Monitoring Software (19 July 2011)

The Global DevInfo Initiative is pleased to announce the release of di Monitoring, a new web-based data management application intended to facilitate the tracking of development plans. The application is powered by DevInfo database technology.


India Launches Interactive Data-Sharing Platform for 2011 Provisional Population Totals Using CensusInfo Technology
(19 July 2011)

The Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India launched the CensusInfo 2011 Dashboard application on 15 July 2011. Built on CensusInfo database technology, the CensusInfo 2011 Dashboard provides a single-view visual report on provisional state-level population data collected in the country’s latest 2011 census round.


Samoa Conducts DevInfo Training to Advance Youth
(19 July 2011)

A nine-day DevInfo training workshop was conducted in Apia, Samoa at the offices of the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (MWCSD) from 27 June to 7 July 2011. Organized by the MWCSD, the workshop was attended by various key staff from the Ministry.


Lao PDR Launches New DevInfo Project to Monitor National Development (15 July 2011)

The Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) of Ministry of Investment and Planning, in partnership with the UN Development Programme, has recently launched a new DevInfo project aiming to enhance the current LaoInfo database.


Gambia National Assembly Members Trained in GamInfo (15 July 2011)

The Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) conducted a five-day training on the national GamInfo database for National Assembly Members from 27 June to 1 July 2011. GamInfo is a customized adaptation of the UN-endorsed DevInfo database system containing the most recent human development data for The Gambia, launched last month by GBoS in collaboration with the UN system.


Burkina Faso Officially Launches BurkinInfo Database (12 July 2011)

An official ceremony was held at the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCOOP) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on 30 June 2011 to launch BurkinInfo, a national adaptation of the DevInfo database system intended to monitor human and national development goals.


Honduras Conducts Municipal-Level DevInfo Training (8 July 2011)

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Honduras recently conducted a DevInfo training workshop from 6 to 10 June 2011. Organized by UNICEF Honduras, the five-day workshop was attended by 27 participants from the eight municipalities of San Pedro Sula, Choloma, La Lima, Omoa, Morazan Yoro, Villa Nueva, Cortés and Progreso.


India Polio Team Receives Advanced DevInfo Training (29 June 2011)

A six-member team from UNICEF India working on polio eradication in North India visited the DevInfo Support Group Lab in New Delhi, India from 7-10 June 2011 to receive advanced DevInfo training.


Mozambique Forges Ahead with DevInfo Implementation to Support National Development (28 June 2011)

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Mozambique continues to forge ahead with DevInfo implementation, in support of national development efforts. The country adaptation of the DevInfo database system - ESDEM (Estatísticas Sociais, Demográficas e Económicas de Moçambique) - was originally launched by INE in 2002 and is now in its fifth version.


Bangladesh Conducts DevInfo Training Workshop (24 June 2011)

A DevInfo training workshop was recently held in Dhaka at the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) offices from 7 to 11 June 2011. Organized by UNICEF Bangladesh, the five-day workshop was attended by 14 participants from UNICEF Bangladesh, BBS, the Bangladesh Department of Women, and the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).


New di Mobile Application Launched, Providing Instant Data Access to Smartphone Users (23 June 2011)

The DevInfo initiative has just launched di Mobile, a mobile application for the Blackberry providing quick on-the-go access to the latest human development data. di Mobile brings the power of DevInfo technology to smartphone users, allowing subscribers to search and browse DevInfo databases using their phones.


Dominican Republic Conducts DevInfo Training Workshop
(16 June 2011)

A three-day DevInfo training workshop was organized in the Dominican Republic from 1 to 3 June 2011 by the UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in collaboration with DevInfoLAC, an organization which provides DevInfo technical support to Spanish-speaking countries in the region.


Niger Conducts Workshop to Update National Database (13 June 2011)

The Niger Institute of Statistics (INS), in partnership with the UN system, recently conducted the first of two annual workshops held to update the NigerInfo database.


DevInfo to Participate in U.S. Global Health Conference (13 June 2011)

The Global DevInfo Initiative is participating in the Global Health Council’s 38th Annual International Conference on Global Health, scheduled from 13-17 June in Washington, D.C.


Nigeria Launches New Web Portal to Share Census Data (8 June 2011)

The National Population Commission, under the authority of the Federal Government of Nigeria, has launched NigeriaInfo - an online portal intended to disseminate the country’s most recent census data.


New Gambia Information Database Launched (6 June 2011)

The new GAMInfo database, containing the most recent human development data for The Gambia, was officially launched on 1 June 2011 in Banjul by the Vice President of the Republic of The Gambia, Madam Dr. Isatou Njie Saidy.


UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2011 Database Launched
(30 May 2011)

UNICEF has extended release of the 2011 State of the World’s Children (SOWC) Report – widely considered the agency’s flagship report on the status of women and children across the globe – through the release of the full data set in DevInfo database format.

Announcement: DevInfo Communications (26 May 2011)

In a continual effort to keep the DevInfo community updated on the latest developments worldwide, the Global DevInfo Initiative maintains multiple channels of communication tailored to a diverse range of needs and interests.


Papua New Guinea Conducts Workshop on Using DevInfo to Support Gender Advocacy in Education (May 2011)

An eight-day workshop on “Evidence-Based Advocacy for Gender Mainstreaming in Education” is being conducted in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) from 2 – 11 May 2011.


Maldives Moves Ahead with DevInfo to Assist with Monitoring Human Development (May 2011)

The Government of Maldives has taken steps over the past few months to position MaldivInfo as a key tool for monitoring human development.


Egypt Forges Ahead with New, Innovative DevInfo Initiatives
(April 2011)

As part of its innovative initiatives, UNICEF Egypt released this month two new databases to build stakeholder capacity in Egypt and the Arab region in the effective use of data for human development.


DevInfo Toolkit Now Available to Assist in Assessing and Monitoring Child Friendly Cities (April 2011)

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC) has partnered with the DevInfo initiative in the development of the Child Friendly Cities DevInfo assessment and monitoring toolkit.


DevInfo Global Consultation Brings Stakeholders Together to Discuss Future Support to the DevInfo Initiative (April 2011)

The DevInfo Global Consultation took place in late February and early March 2011 in New York. Twenty-eight participants from UN agencies, the World Bank, national governments, an NGO and the DevInfo Support Group came together to discuss ideas for an effective and sustainable approach to long-term support of the DevInfo initiative.


World Economic Forum Launches Data-Sharing Platform for Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011 Using DevInfo technology (April 2011)

The Global Information Technology Report (GITR) 2010-2011 was released in New York on Tuesday, 12 April 2011. The report highlights the key role of information communications technologies (ICT) for development and competitiveness.


Argentina’s Jujuy Provincial Government Presented with Updated Child Protection Database (April 2011)

Provincial authorities in Jujuy, a province of Argentina located in the extreme northwest of the country, were presented with the latest InfoJujuy adaptation on 6 April 2011 at the provincial government headquarters.


DevInfo to Participate in U.S. Population Conference (March 2011)

The Global DevInfo Initiative is participating in the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), scheduled from 31 March – 2 April in Washington, D.C.


Yemen Organizes Training Workshop on Using DevInfo to Promote Gender Equality (March 2011)

The Republic of Yemen’s Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MPIC), General Department of Women, organized a training workshop from 5-9 March 2011 on how to use DevInfo database technology to promote greater gender equality in Yemen.


Russia Launches Updated Database on Children and Youth in Russia (February 2011)

Russia’s Federal Statistical Service, Rosstat, with UNICEF support, has recently released an updated version of its online RussiaInfo database ( containing key socio-economic data on the situation of children and youth in Russia.


Argentina Publishes New Online Data Gallery Highlighting Child Rights (February 2011)

UNICEF Argentina has published a new online data gallery titled InfoArgentina - Investment in Children and Situation of their Rights. The gallery, which can be viewed at
, makes available information on the situation on child rights in Argentina as well as data on public investment directed towards children.


Bosnia and Herzegovina Releases Online Pilot Version of National Socio-Economic Databases (February 2011)

Two pilot databases containing data on key socio-economic indicators for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have been published online by the BiH Agency for Statistics (BHAS), with UNICEF support. Available at


Dubai Launches New Database to Disseminate Latest Health Survey Results (February 2011)

The Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) has recently released a new health database – Dubai Health Info – intended to disseminate the results of the 2009 national health survey carried out in the Emirate of Dubai. The database is a customized adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations for monitoring and tracking progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.


Honduras Launches Online Dataset on Children, Youth and Women (January 2011)

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Honduras has launched SISNAM, a new online database featuring data on the nation’s children, youth and women. The database provides relevant information on vulnerable populations to support decision makers in resource allocation, planning and programming.

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