
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals

DevInfo News - News on DevInfo adaptations - DevInfo
DevInfo to Aid Papua New Guinea Development Plans  (July 2007)
Papua New Guinea the largest and most populated of all the Pacific Island countries. Topographically, it is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with an extraordinary range of ecosystems. However, its rural sector is not well-served despite a well-developed infrastructure since it is not easily accessible. This creates problems in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) while the delivery of basic services is challenging
Maldives Forges Ahead  (July 2007)
From Morse code for communications to mobile phones, the island-nation of Maldives has undergone tremendous social, political and economic change during the past few decades. Just prior to the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004, a preliminary assessment showed that Maldives was on track to achieving almost all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) targets by 2015. However, the tsunami waves mercilessly tested the resilience of the Maldivian society. But, today, the people of the nation have bounced back from the initial shock and are committed to living even better and safer lives than ever before
Tracking Ghana's Progress  (July 2007)
In a region marked by conflict and instability, Ghana’s consolidated democracy and coordinated development goals are a hopeful indicator of West Africa’s potential. Faster progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will depend on key development areas such as the reduction of child and maternal mortality rate, higher economic growth rate and a greater determination of policy makers to dovetail specific demands into the government’s development programmes
DevInfo Showcased at the OECD World Forum in Istanbul 
(July 2007)
What is progress? Societies around the world are concerned with their quality of life. A consensus is growing to develop a more comprehensive view of progress, one that takes into account social, environmental and economic concerns – rather than focusing mainly on economic indicators like Gross Domestic Product (GDP). While GDP is an important measure of economic activity, it was not developed to be the sole measure of a nation’s progress
Millennium Development Goals Within Reach in Sri Lanka
(June 2007)
The Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake officially launched the online version of MDGInfo Sri Lanka, a customized version of the DevInfo v5.0 database system, on 11 June 2007. Director General, Suranjana Vidyaratne, of the Department of Census and Statistics was among those present on the occasion

A Decision Support Tool launched in Cao Bang Province of Vietnam

(April 2007)

CaoBINFO a socio-economic and decision-support tool was launched as a new product of Cao Bang Province of Vietnam. CaoBINFO is the customized version of DevInfo, so far, the only customized implementation of DevInfo and VietInfo at the provincial level in Vietnam assisting the government with their socio-economic development planning

Timor-Leste DevInfo Adaptation Launched in December 2006

(December 2006)
Timor-Leste DevInfo v1.0, a database system to monitor the Millennium Development Goals and the National Development Plan of Timor-Leste was formally launched on 19 December 2006
Access to Information on the Move  (December 2006)
Looking for the latest data on human development and don’t know where to find it? Help is just an SMS away! Simply send an SMS message to the DevInfo SMS database server and get an instant reply. DevInfo database technology, deployed on desktops and the web, now offers the advantages of quick access to information on the move from your mobile phone
DevInfo Moldova Released  (September 2006)
The republic of Moldova has recently adapted the DevInfo database technology to monitor the Millennium Development Goals and the PRSP. The Ministry of Economy and Trade in cooperation with National Bureau of Statistics has institutionalized this powerful database system (with assistance from the UNICEF) to provide policy makers with easy access to credible data
UNSIC Adopts DevInfo Database System for AHI Monitoring
(September 2006)
Looking for the latest data on human development and don’t know where to find it? Help is just an SMS away! Simply send an SMS message to the DevInfo SMS database server and get an instant reply. DevInfo database technology, deployed on desktops and the web, now offers the advantages of quick access to information on the move from your mobile phone
DevInfo in Sri Lanka
Web-enabled DevInfo Casts a Wider Outreach in Sri Lanka
(August 2006)
The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) in Sri Lanka has recently launched MDGInfo Sri Lanka. It is the latest and customized version of the DevInfo database system that is available as a desktop version and can also be accessed over the World Wide Web
Bhutan Delegation Visits the DevInfo Support Group Lab
Bhutan Delegation Visits the DevInfo Support Group Lab
(July 2006)
A delegation from Bhutan visited the DevInfo lab and gained first-hand knowledge about the new features of the recently released version of DevInfo. The delegation, comprising of senior executives
DevInfo and International Standards
DevInfo and International Standards  (May 2006)
The new version of DevInfo, version 5.0, includes significant advancements in handling metadata. It conforms to standardized information sharing models for metadata storage and dissemination. These metadata standards help achieve
DevInfo in Emergencies
DevInfo in Emergencies  (May 2006)
EmergencyInfo is a powerful decision support system, based on DevInfo database technology that helps people to respond better in emergency situations. It combines the advanced data access and presentation features of DevInfo with new data capture technologies
DevInfo in Emergencies
DevInfo v5.0 Released  (May 2006)
DevInfo 5.0, a powerful new version of DevInfo, has been released. This new version operates both as a desktop application and on the web. It delivers significant enhancements for easy access to information on human development. The system has been developed by the UN and is distributed royalty-free to all end users. Now national statistics offices, UN agencies, donors, NGOs and civil society can prepare reports
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