
Latest database releases and important announcements. Stories from the field highlighting use of DevInfo. Facts relating to the Millennium Development Goals


Infoniñ Interactive Dashboard Released Online
(27 September 2012

Keeping track of the latest data on key children’s rights in Mexico is now possible through a new interactive dashboard launching today. The tool has several panels, all downloadable and user-friendly, and is updated in near real-time so that regular visitors can regularly learn something new on the site.

A Promise Renewed Dashboard Launched (17 September 2012)

The technology and know-how are available to scale up child survival commitments in an effort to end all preventable child deaths. With
A Promise Renewed, the nations of the world have renewed a promise to give all children a fair opportunity to survive and thrive.

Libya: Drawing on Dubai Experience to Build a New Libya (5 September 2012)

The liberation of Libya was celebrated in October 2011, promising a new era of freedom and transparency in that country. As its new leaders looked for ways to facilitate open access to national information, they decided to learn from the experiences of other countries in the region.

On the Eve of Independence Anniversary, Burundi Releases Latest Version of National Database System (22 August 2012)

While July 2nd was a normal working day for most people around the globe, Burundians awoke to the sound of celebrations in honour of their country’s fiftieth independence anniversary. The occasion, which drew a crowd of thousands in the capital, Bujumbura, served both as a way to commemorate the nation’s rich history and as an opportunity to look to the future.

Jamaica Launches Online Child Protection Database (18 July 2012)

The Government of Jamaica, with support from UNICEF, recently launched Jamaica's Child Protection Database (CPD) as a monitoring tool for the government and the Jamaican public to measure the country’s performance on national child-related plans of action as well as international agreements such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Serbia Releases Updated DevInfo Data Portal and Online Databases (18 July 2012)

In early 2012, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia released two major new databases and updated its web data portal to DevInfo 6.0 format.

Iraq: Using CensusInfo to Disseminate Information on Infrastructure (19 June 2012)

On June 4th 2012, the Iraqi Central Statistical Organization (CSO), with the help of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), launched a database system named CensusInfo Iraq that displays rural and urban statistics on infrastructure.

“Making the Information Come Alive”: Malawi Disseminates National Population and Housing Data Using CensusInfo (19 June 2012)

The landlocked African nation of Malawi experienced enormous change between 1998 and 2008 as the population increased by no less than 32% (most noticeably in Northern and Central districts) and became considerably more urban.

Algeria Launches National Searchable Database on Human Development (07 May 2012)

For the first time in Algerian history, the Ministry of Statistics is making available to anyone with an Internet connection a national searchable socio-economic database covering various key sectors, including health, education, economy, environment and gender.

Niger Releases Updated National Socio-economic Database
(03 April 2012)

The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Niger has made available the second release of the NigerInfo database, which contains national and sub-national data for over 300 socio-economic indicators.

Philippines Launches Online Educational Database (02 April 2012)

The Department of Education of the Republic of the Philippines has launched EFA Philippines info, an online database containing a comprehensive set of education indicators for the Philippines.

Updated 2011 MDG Dataset Now Available Online (30 March 2012)

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has released an updated dataset on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for all member states.

Number of Documented DevInfo Adaptations Exceeds 400
(30 March 2012)

The number of documented DevInfo adaptations across the globe has now exceeded 400, according to data maintained by the DevInfo Support Group. This number includes global, regional, national and sub-national adaptations, spanning 124 countries and 14 regions.

New E-learning Course Available on Using DevInfo to Monitor Equity
(28 March 2012)

The Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), in collaboration with the DevInfo Support Group, has launched a new e-learning course titled “Using DevInfo to Monitor Equity.”

Viet Nam Releases Latest MICS Data in DevInfo Format
(28 March 2012)

The General Statistics Office of Viet Nam has released the datasets for the 2006 and 2011 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) rounds conducted in Viet Nam, in online DevInfo database format.

UN Women CARO to Implement DevInfo Technology to Support Monitoring Efforts (15 March 2012)

The UN Women Central Africa Regional Office (CARO) is actively moving forward in 2012 to implement DevInfo technology in support of its monitoring and evaluation objectives and to help track progress towards meeting agency goals and targets.

UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children 2012 Database Launched
(14 March 2012

UNICEF has extended release of the State of the World’s Children (SOWC) 2012 Report – the agency’s flagship report on the status of women and children across the globe – through the release of the full data set in DevInfo database format.

Rwanda Releases Updated National Socio-economic Database
(13 March 2012

The National Institute of Statistics Rwanda has recently released an updated version of the DevInfoRwanda database, which is an adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations to monitor achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.

EmergencyInfo Available to Support Rapid Data Capture (28 February 2012)

EmergencyInfo is a powerful tool for rapid data capture used to support data collection efforts during emergency situations. Built on DevInfo database technology, the EmergencyInfo suite of tools helps bridge information gaps following emergencies by enabling rapid data collection, monitoring, and quick preparation of situation reports.

DevInfo Dashboards Now Available in Web Gallery (28 February 2012)

The Global DevInfo Initiative has made available a collection of DevInfo dashboards for exploration, research, analysis and decision-making in a new web gallery. DevInfo dashboards enable complex data sets to be presented in a standard, focused format, making large volumes of data easier to understand, interpret and act on.

DevInfo Initiative Announces Call for DevInfo 7.0 Beta Testers
(17 February 2012)

The Global DevInfo Initiative remains on track to launch a new version of the DevInfo database system – DevInfo 7.0 – in mid-2012. DevInfo 7.0 will be a cross-browser compatible web application harnessing the latest advancements in information technology, Internet connectivity, and data visualization.

DevInfo Webinar 2012: Preview of DevInfo 7.0 (02 February 2012)

On Tuesday, 7 February 2012 the DevInfo initiative is hosting a live webinar to update viewers on the latest version of DevInfo and the year ahead. DevInfo 7.0 harnesses the latest advancements in information technology, data visualization, statistical standards and Internet connectivity.

Global, Regional and National Databases Now Available for Desktop Download (31 January 2012)

The UN DevInfo Initiative has recently made available over 50 global, regional and national datasets for desktop download from its official website,

India Releases Latest National Socio-Economic Database
(06 January 2012)

The Government of India’s Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) officially released the latest version of India’s national socio-economic database – DevInfo India 3.0 – on 27 December 2011.

Dominican Republic Launches New Database to Support Policy Making for Children and Adolescents (22 December 2011)

The National Council for Childhood and Adolescence (CONANI) in the Dominican Republic has recently launched a new database – CONANIInfo - that provides the necessary statistical information in order to track country progress towards fulfilling the rights of children and adolescents.

Honduras Launches New Database to Track Youth Employment and Workforce Migration (20 December 2011)

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Government of Honduras has launched a new database system - Info JEM - to disseminate relevant data on youth employment and workforce migration in Honduras.

Viet Nam Organizes DevInfo Workshop to Develop a Customized Database for Monitoring the UN One Plan 2012-2016
(20 December 2011

The UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Viet Nam organized a three-day workshop in Hanoi from 30 November to 2 December 2011 to equip participants in using DevInfo database technology for monitoring the new UN One Plan for Viet Nam.

Visit to Russia Generates Increased Momentum for DevInfo Use
(16 December 2011

A training delegation from the DevInfo Support Group visited the Russian Federation from 7 – 11 November 2011 to discuss ways of using DevInfo technology to better support the statistical data management needs of various national organizations and institutions.

2011 DevInfo Webinar Series Entering Final Month (05 December 2011)

The 2011 DevInfo Webinar series, currently in its final month, complements face-to-face training and online e-learning courses on DevInfo and further provides insight into on-going projects and best practices in the field.

2011 MDG Data Now Available Online (02 December 2011)

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has released the latest data on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for all member states. The database, produced with support from UNICEF, is now available online at

Djibouti Launches New Socio-Economic Database (30 November 2011)

On 24 November 2011, the Government of Djibouti officially launched Djibouti DevInfo, a national socio- economic database. The database is an adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations to monitor progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.

Call for Submissions: Highlighting Outstanding DevInfo Presentation Outputs in Your Country/Organization (29 November 2011)

The DevInfo Showcase presents exhibits, displays and advocacy materials developed for use at country, regional and global events. These materials are showcased in an interactive graphic format, allowing global visitors to browse, explore, and download them as desired.

Angola Set to Launch Data System to Better Track the Well-Being of Children (24 November 2011)

As the world celebrates the twenty-second anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Angola is announcing the development of a system to collect reliable and regular data on the country’s children.

Cape Verde Organizes DevInfo Training for Census Data Management and the Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Frameworks
(24 November 2011)

The One UN Programme in Cape Verde organized two important DevInfo training events for the UN Country Team and government counterparts from 7-11 November 2011, aimed at strengthening current data management and monitoring and evaluation practices.

MigrantInfo Initiative Harnesses the Power of DevInfo Dissemination Technology (18 November 2011)

Enhanced analyses on issues of international migration have been developed as an output of the MigrantInfo initiative. These products effectively harness the power of DevInfo database technology to present data.

New Human Development Data Sets from Serbia Available Online
(17 November 2011)

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has released its new national DevInfo database, updated as of October 2011, in both DevInfo 6.0 and 5.0 formats.

UNFPA Organizes DevInfo Training to Support Greater Access to Reproductive Health (16 November 2011)

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) organized a DevInfo training workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa from 1–4 November 2011.

India State 2011 Census Galleries Available Online (16 November 2011)

The governments of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh and the western Indian state of Gujarat have published interactive online galleries displaying information on provisional state population data collected during India’s 2011 national census round.

Call for Submissions: Highlighting “DevInfo in Action” in Your Country/Organization (1 November 2011)

The DevInfo in Action series chronicles inspiring stories of DevInfo technology being put to good use and making a difference around the world. Published via a weekly DevInfo e-mailer, on the DevInfo website, and in eBook format, these stories have been very well-received by our global reader base.

DevInfo Highlighted at International Conference on MDG Statistics
(31 October 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative presented at the recent International Conference on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Statistics held from 19 – 21 October 2011 in Manila, Philippines. Organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the Philippines National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB).

DevInfo to Participate in Public Health Conference in Washington
(31 October 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative will be participating in the 139th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association (APHA), scheduled from 29 October – 2 November 2011 in Washington, DC, USA.

Maldives Builds DevInfo Training Capacity among Government Staff (31 October 2011)

The national government of the Maldives took a key step towards further institutionalizing its national socio-economic database, MaldivInfo, by organizing a DevInfo Training of Trainers workshop this month.

DevInfo Field Reference Group Meeting Reviewed Progress to Date, Way Forward (25 October 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative conducted the 2011 DevInfo Field Reference Group Meeting in Jaipur, India from 26 - 30 September 2011. The meeting brought together experienced DevInfo users from across the globe to take stock of the current status of DevInfo implementation, introduce new tools and technologies, preview the upcoming release of DevInfo 7.0, and seek solutions to current constraints in DevInfo implementation.

UNICEF Launches New Data Portal, Website to Strengthen Communication Efforts for Polio Eradication (25 October 2011)

On the occasion of World Polio Day, 24 October 2011, UNICEF is launching a new website and online data portal – PolioInfo - designed to strengthen communication efforts in all polio priority countries to eradicate polio.

DevInfo Initiative Presents at Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene (24 October 2011)

The UN DevInfo Initiative presented at the recent Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene held from 9 – 14 October 2011 in Mumbai, India. The Forum was organized as a global platform to share ideas on skills, knowledge, leadership, behaviour change and actions that can improve the lives of the world’s 2.6 billion people lacking access to safe sanitation and hygiene.

Madagascar’s Diana Region Using DevInfo to Monitor Regional Development (18 October 2011)

The Regional Resource Center of Diana, which is the most northern region of Madagascar, has developed Diana-Info 1.0, an adaptation of the DevInfo database system endorsed by the United Nations to monitor progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and other national priorities.

DevInfo Webinar Series Entering Second Month (18 October 2011)

The 2011 DevInfo Webinar series, currently in its second month, complements face-to-face training and online e-learning courses on DevInfo and further provides insight into on-going projects and best practices in the field.

UNITAR, DevInfo Support Group Train Development Officers in Monitoring Local Development Plans (13 October 2011)

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the DevInfo Support Group partnered to train national actors on the new di Monitoring tool for improving the creation and implementation of national and local development plans.
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