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DevInfo Country Profiles - DevInfo

This gallery features customized country profiles on the status of human development worldwide. You are invited to browse through the gallery and click on any of the profiles below to view them.

AIDSinfo Country Fact Sheets  

The AIDSinfo country fact sheets provide a quick and easy way to view the latest data on the global HIV and AIDS epidemic. These interactive fact sheets consist of maps, tables and charts displaying all available data for each country from the following sources: UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF and Measure DHS. The AIDSinfo country fact sheet interface allows users to select the desired country from a drop-down menu or from a map, as well as select from various thematic areas such as country overview, epidemiological facts, treatment and care, injecting drug use and HIV, etc. Country factsheets can also be conveniently downloaded and printed as epidemiological reports.

To view the interactive country fact sheets, please click here.

To view an e-learning course explaining how to use the country fact sheets, click here.


MDG 5b+ Profiles


MDG 5b+ Country Profiles  

MDG 5b+ Info is an initiative of the Population and Development Branch, of the Technical Division in UNFPA, to track global progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other UNFPA indicators. It compiles the latest data on these indicators at the global, regional, national, and sub-national level. Published online at, the database provides worldwide access to this important data set and allows for the easy generation of tables, graphs, and maps for inclusion in presentations, reports, and advocacy materials.  Policy makers and planners are encouraged to access these country profiles and the data to support evidence-based decision making on issues related to maternal and reproductive health. The country profiles provides short summaries of the levels, trends and differentials for three of the four MDG indicators under target 5b: adolescent birth rate, contraceptive prevalence rate and unmet need for contraception.


MDG 5b+ Profiles




Nutrition Profiles  

The coverage and impact indicators included in the UNICEF Nutrition Country Profiles represent a core set of indicators to monitor progress on child and maternal nutrition. These indicators represent long-standing, well-established survival and development indicators that are harmonized with other global monitoring efforts, including the Millennium Development Goals, the World Fit for Children, Countdown to 2015 and UNICEF’s Medium-Term Strategic Plan. The data in these profiles reflect the most recent estimates.

Nutrition Profiles
Countdown to 2015 Profiles  

The Countdown to 2015 Initiative tracks coverage levels for health interventions proven to reduce maternal, newborn and child mortality. It calls on governments and development partners to be accountable, identifies knowledge gaps and proposes new actions to reach Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health. The Countdown Initiative is a supra-institutional collaborative effort of concerned individuals and partner organizations. The 2008 country profiles represent the basic information to be analysed at Countdown conferences, and evidence for assessing progress since the first Countdown Report in 2005. Each profile presents the most recent available information on selected demographic measures of maternal, newborn and child survival and nutritional status, coverage rates for priority interventions, and selected indicators of equity, policy support, human resources and financial flows.

Countdown to 2015 Profiles
Maternal, Newborn & Child Survival Profiles  

Accelerated Child Survival and Development (ACSD) is an integrated UNICEF program that delivers low-cost, high-impact interventions that dramatically improve child survival over a short period of time.  It is a child survival intervention delivered on an accelerated tract — that is, progressing at a more rapid pace — in select countries. UNICEF is taking the lead in the effort to significantly reduce the under-five child mortality rate by taking the proven ACSD initiative to scale. Priority countries are those identified as having both a high level of under-five mortality rate and a high level of readiness for accelerating the effectiveness of their health care systems. The ACSD profiles display basic demographic and health information critical to monitoring and tracking the progress of countries targeted under the ACSD program.

Maternal, Newborn & Child Survival Profiles